
如何做曲奇餅乾how to make butter cookies

  • 室溫奶油 300g / 10.5 oz unsalted Butter (in room temperature)
  • 糖粉 100g / 6 1/2 tbsp powdered sugar
  • 砂糖 40g / 2 1/2 tbsp sugar
  • 鹽 2g / a pinch of salt
  • 香草精 4g / 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 罐裝濃縮奶 40g / 2 1/2 tbsp evaporated milk
  • 雞蛋 1顆 / 1 egg
  • 低筋麵粉 450g / 4 cups cake flour
  • 玉米粉 30g / 2 tbsp corn starch

作法 :

  1. 用打蛋器稍微將奶油、糖粉、砂糖、鹽分次加進去並均勻攪拌至發白狀態,再將香草精加入攪拌均勻
  2. 先將濃縮奶和雞蛋混合再一起打散後,分次加入步驟1的奶油糊直到均勻攪拌(液體完全被奶油糊吃進去)
  3. 加入過篩後的低筋麵粉、玉米粉,用攪拌器攪拌到看不到粉就完成了我們的餅乾麵團囉!(記得不要過度攪拌,所以當麵粉已經完全跟奶油糊均勻混合後就要立即停止攪拌喔!)


  1. Use hand mixer to mix butter till it becomes creamy, add powdered sugar, sugar and salt and mix them well with butter. Add vanilla extract then continue mixing till the butter cream absorbs vanilla extract well.
  2. Mix evaporated milk and egg in a separate bowl. Mix while adding the milk-egg mixture to the butter cream till the cream absorbs all of the milk-egg liquid mixture.
  3. Add sifted cake flour, corn starch and continue mixing. When the flour and the corn starch are completely combined with the butter cream, stop mixing. Then the dough is ready.


So the dough is done, what now?


You can stuff the dough into a piping bag and form the cookies on a baking sheet. If you don’t know how to use it, you can buy a cookie press, you can also involve your kids this way.


I like to use a piping bag and form the cookies myself. It gets my hands tired over time, but I feel the sense of achievement when I form beautiful cookies.



When the cookies are formed, put them into the preheated oven. Bake under 340 degree for 5 minutes and reduce the temperature to 320 degree and bake for another 15 minutes.

我家使用的是美式大烤箱 170度先烤5分鐘,再來160度烤15分鐘


Temperatures can vary depending on your oven. So you can adjust the temperature according to your own oven.


Baking time can also vary depending on the amount of dough. So you will have to keep a eye out on the cookies in the oven.


What I wanna share here is the vanilla butter cookies dipped in milk chocolate.


You can buy chocolate flavored melting wafers or similar product at Walmart. Place the chocolate into a container and microwave it. Take it out every 30 seconds and stir, repeat till the chocolate is completely melted.


Next is to dip the cookies into the chocolate depending on your preferences


Solidify the chocolate on the cookies on a piece of baking sheet, or you can put them into the fridge.



This cookie has really high success rate. And it is a good option for Christmas present.

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