【Costco 烤雞料理】蒜香蘑菇奶油醬雞肉義大利麵


繼上次寫的【Costco 烤雞料理】雞肉粥篇,這次又有新的一道烤雞料理食譜囉!如果喜歡吃白醬意大利麵的朋友一定會喜歡這道,而且小孩一定很愛喔!💕這道料理就是【蒜香蘑菇白醬雞肉義大利麵】,光聽名字就很厲害🤩

Here I also want to share another dish made by Costco roast chicken. If you like white sauce pasta, you will definitely love this one, and kids love it too. This is Garlic mushroom creamy chicken pasta!!!


  • 剩餘Costco烤雞
  • 蘑菇 一盒
  • 義大利麵
  • 鮮奶油 450ml
  • 蒜頭4瓣切片
  • 帕瑪森乳酪粉 1大匙(可有可無)
  • 鹽 適量調味用
  • 胡椒粉 適量調味用
  • 奶油 適量拌炒用

Ingredients: (For three servings)

  • Leftover Costco roast chicken
  • Mushroom
  • Spaghetti
  • Heavy whipped cream – one cup
  • Sliced garlic – 4 cloves
  • Parmesan cheese powder – 1tbp (optional)
  • Salt – for seasoning
  • Pepper – for seasoning
  • Butter – for frying


Boil a pot of water, and cook the spaghetti. It will be better to put some salt in the water, so the spaghetti will have some flavor to it.


Fry garlic and about 1/3 – 2/3 of mushroom with butter. When all cooked, transfer them to a blender.


Blend the fried mushroom, garlic, heavy whipped cream and Parmesan together. Then the sauce is ready.


Fry the rest of mushroom and the Costco roast chicken with butter. Pour the sauce into the pan and stir the mushroom and chicken with medium heat. Then season the sauce with salt and pepper based on your own preference.


When it starts bubbling, you can put the cooked spaghetti into the sauce and keep stirring till the sauce turns thick.


I suggest that boil the spaghetti till it is almost cooked. Because it will be stirred with the sauce. If it is boiled for too long, it will be overcooked after stirring with the sauce.


這道料理真的很好吃,濃濃的奶香混合蘑菇及淡淡的蒜香味,讓人一口接著一口停不下來😋 如果喜歡蒜頭味多一點,那就多加一些蒜頭進去打喔!偏好醬多的朋友,白醬的食材比例就再多下一些來打成醬就好囉!有沒有覺得好吃的料理其實非常簡單呢?希望你們會喜歡😘 我也會繼續分享【烤雞料理系列】給大家!

It is really delicious. The creamy buttery flavor mixed with mushroom and light garlic taste made us took one bite after another bite, and we just couldn’t stop. If you like a more garlicy flavor, then you can use more garlic! If you like more sauce, you can just scale up the recipe for the white sauce. I hope you all will like this dish.

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